launch new offices Purina Emena in Vevey

Purina - strategie creative per il branding ed engagement

Con il brand del petfood nel design degli uffici, employee branding, eventi internazionali e attività di engagement per il top e middle management

  • Events & exhibition
  • Internal communication & engagement
  • Video editing
  • Design offices
  • Management & organisation
  • Event
  • Communication materials
  • Video
Office design: the new “Purina House” The transfer of Purina’s Emena headquarters to Vevey becomes the occasion for an important internal branding activity

With the move to a new location, The “Purina House” project sprang from the necessity of solving the daily requirements of Purina employees and the company’s desire to assert its brand identity in the context of the new Vevey offices: this resulted in an office design that combines aesthetics, ease of use and promotes Purina’s corporate identity.

Through the use of colourful 3D elements, images of dogs and cats of various breeds represent Purina’s world: the open-plan spaces are transformed into pleasant places to work in and share with colleagues.

decorative 3D animals in Purina's new offices

The various rooms become niches promoting the corporate image, with a view to communicating with external stakeholders and representing individual brands. This effectively creates “recognisable symbolic spaces” for employees from different teams.

Encapsulating important concepts, such as the human-centric approach to space design, the enhancement of employee experience in the workplace, and the creation of shared meanings - through elements of visual identity with a combined decorative and functional value - this project fully represents the synergy between a strategic approach and the creative output. Indeed, the Purina House project was the subject of an in-depth case study during the workshop “Strategy and creativity at the service of Place Branding” organized by ATC for the students of Milano Bicocca University.

Engagement for the middle and top management Events and edutainment which blends creativity and strategic impact

For a multinational such as Purina, the internal rollout of the strategies from the corporate centre to the regional and local markets represents a crucial moment in the engagement of top and middle management. For this reason, presentation events must combine sharing plenaries, group sessions, entertainment and edutainment initiatives, harmonized with the theme of the event.

First day in the new Purina headquarters in Vevey

In the development of the concept and creative, ATC offers both expertise in integrated digital and offline management, and the ability to define a communication path: starting from the phases preceding the event (teaser, invitation), up to the various on-site activities, from welcome to entertainment.

The creativity of ATC, for the international events of Purina and its multiple brands, focuses on the definition of the concept (naming and logo) and is manifested above all in the creation of engagement proposals characterized by stunning spectacles, interactivity and moments of gaming.