The Eridania contests curated by ATC

ATC - All Things Communicate manages Eridania’s contests both in store and online under the titles “The sweet feeling of wellbeing” and “At the origins of taste”.

An assignment gained following a successful tender for ATC – All Things Communicate. This activity for supermarkets involved in multiple flights different lines of sugar and classic and natural sweeteners from the historic brand.

  • Below the line
  • Consumer communication
  • Digital assets
  • Logistics
  • Coordination of merchandisers
  • Concepts & key visuals
  • In store materials
  • Flyers
  • Websites

The challenge. Intercepting consumers and prospects in the grocery channel with an integrated and cross-range promotional approach, focusing on the ranges of Eridania products linked to a precise seasonality/conceptual area.

How did the agency respond to the brief? In the first flight, which ran from March to April ‘24, the strategic focus was put on people's wellbeing deriving from a balanced diet, in which sugar intake is an essential part.
ATC supported a highly-effective key concept – “Il dolce star bene” (“The sweet feeling of wellbeing”) - by projecting and directly managing the contest, which involved a promo mechanism that offered a spa box set to experience a regenerating stay in Italy as a prize, dependent on consumers purchasing two Eridania products of their choice among Truvia, Zero, Organic Agave Syrup, Erythritol and Sugar plus Fibre sweeteners.
In the second flight, running from May to July ’24, the “origins” idea was the protagonist, with the key concept – “Alle origini del gusto” (“At the origins of taste”) - combined with the sell-out of Eridania's cane sugar and organic sugar, which specifically involved the Tropical, Tropical & Stevia, Demerara Dark, Moscovado Integral and Bio lines.
The promo mechanism by ATC, consistent with the theme of discovery introduced with the naming, this time was structured on two different levels: consumers could win 3 cameras each week and, additionally, a complete set of suitcases in a final draw.

The key visuals for the promos The visual designed for “The sweet feeling of wellbeing”, concerning the sweeteners, was suffused with the wellness mood through a harmonious and elegant logo rendering of the naming directly linked to the image of the prize, in a "graphic movement" completed by sinuous red waves, the brand's heritage colour, which the Eridania packs neatly rests on.
For the second flight, the key visual created by ATC played on the “origin” theme evoked by these Eridania references through the image of a pin on a map studded with paths, with a logo linked to the naming. Once again, great importance was placed upon the image of the packs.

From digital to physical points of sale. In addition to the design and in-house development of the mini websites for participation in the contests on the platform, ATC followed every aspect of the in-store dramatization, starting from the logistical management and coordination of merchandisers on the points of sales, for a smooth project in every step, from the creative idea to the concrete set-up of the activity.
Different kits were created according to the square footage of the supermarkets participating in the operation; in larger stores, an extensive promo island was set up consisting of an arcade, a desk for engagement by promoters, a gadget tray with a pocket for flyers, a floor graphic, an eye-catching totem and a set of displays to show off the products to best advantage.
In other cases, the stand was offered in a “smart” version: a gondola head with shelf pendants or a stand with a crowner, flanked by displays with a gadget tray for freebies.