november 2023

The “paw” of ATC - All Things Communicate in the Italian communication of Lily's Kitchen

The creativity for the asset created for Lily's Kitchen

ATC adapts international creativity to the Italian market.

In the pet food sector, Lily's Kitchen is a case study in the ability of a brand to present itself with a quality product combined with an unmistakable image, starting with the packaging and continuing through all communication materials.

ATC - All Things Communicate is at Lily's Kitchen's side with its expertise, even when not developing original creativity, in the equally important role of ensuring that the implementation of a multi-channel communication strategy is 'grounded' with maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

As part of this collaboration, ATC was tasked with developing the assets of an integrated communication strategy that would include awareness generation via web, with a banner campaign, and social media, with videos targeted at the main platforms, and would continue at the point of sale with shelf visibility materials that would promote the product's recognisability and shopability.